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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

By George, I Think She's Got It!

OK!!! I am pretty sure I have the gist of how to write the blog now. I don't have all the ins and outs of making it pleasing to the eye by adding stuff yet but I will figure it out as I go. I did pick the color purple as my background to signify my pain from Fibro and Sjogren's whose ribbons are purple. Today, I had an appointment to go to and it entailed me driving for about half an hour one way. Then I sat for 2 more hours in a chair and went to Wally World for a few groceries and back home. Got home and couldn't wait to get my heating pad on and take my afternoon meds! I've had my spinal cord stim on all day! Probably going to have to charge the battery up again before long, I just did it Sunday night! I think something new is going on with my back. Anyway, that's all for tonight. I am tired and it is IDOL night so I am going to have dinner, relax and get back to this tomorrow. I will properly introduce myself and tell you all how I came to live with chronic pain! The Pictures below are what started my Sjogren's journey, the joint pain was unbelievable! Came out of the blue! I won't be posting a lot of nasty pictures, btw, I am just trying to figure everything out! Thought these would be good to start!  Thanks for following!
Love to all,